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professional artist, organizer, designer & MBA 


A couple of years ago, I had a pretty big, life changing experience. Good Orderly Direction was banging on my door. I was lost, hit a personal and professional bottom and had made a mess. I needed to get my house back in order. So I strapped on my kitchen gloves and got busy. First things first. Get organized, creative and clean house! Cleansing and purging always brings the most clarity! I got down on my knees in gratitude, started praying and asked myself the basic questions in life. What do I love to do? What makes me truly happy? Who were my mentors? How can I combine my love for art, organization and design with my creative talents? What life palette do I want to create for myself? And most importantly, how can I be of service to others? Life is just too short to not be happy, joyous and  free!


So I made a list of my few favorite things...Organization obsessed. Art addict. Getting rid of emotional and physical clutter. It stresses me out. Creating beautiful, tidy, useful spaces. Minimalism. PURGING anything. Especially closets and beach houses. Every shade of white, grey, turquoise and midnight blue. Cleaning supplies and the smell of bleach. BOATS, big and small. RESTORATION HARDWARE, POTTERY BARN, ANTHROPOLOGIE and The Container Store. Clean lines and right angles. Humility plus ambition. Drawer organizers and label makers. Always being POSITIVE. Color coding my planner. Sharpies. Ferocious reading. My dad's workshop and his white peg board. Because every tool has a place. Earth saving, recycling and upcycling. HOT. Ashtanga. YOGA. In that order. Creating beautiful, functional filing systems. A combination of Haystown and Frank Lloyd Wright. The BEACH. It taught me how to live simply. The beauty of supply and demand. Cleaning up files on my Mac. WATER. Preferably the salty kind. Being OCD. It's productive. Tackle boxes and tidy spaces. Pearls, sapphires and turquoise - the colors of the OCEAN. My arsenal of family and friends. Green living. Organizing my paints by mediums, hues and usage. Levelers and organized tool boxes. BLACK GOLD. White walls in art galleries. GRACE for every moment. Darwinism and DESIGN. My Benjamin Moore fan deck. ZEN. Organizing financial statements. Precision folding and the art of packing light. Project management and space planning. My mom's plant and sewing hospitals. Laughter. Jewelry organization is so therapeutic. ADVERSITY. Writing thank you notes on my beautiful, tiffany blue Crane's stationery. My design style: beachy chic, rustic, modern and a dash of antiques. The panic I feel when I walk into a messy space. The peace and serenity I feel when it is all neat and tidy. Art consultations and placement. Being thoughtful. Ocean beauty, white sand and natural light. Saltwater cures everything. Learning organization tips in my dad's hunting room. Good rule of thumb: when in doubt, spray paint it white. The arrival of beautiful, blank, white canvases at my front door. Life really should be simple. Less really is more....


So I kept praying, cleaning house and organizing. Does a profession exist that combines creativity and organization? Is there art in order? Lightning struck. Combine my love for organization + my creativity + love for design = embrace the entrepreneurial spirit. Combine my professional art, organization and design business and make it happen! 


And so I did! Art & Order: the Art of Organization and Design. 


Art & Order's mission is to help our clients tidy and streamline their home and work environments so they can take back control of their busy lives and spend more time doing the things they love to do. Simple, organized, functional and beautiful spaces boosts productivity. When you organize your personal and professional spaces, you will be much more happier, joyous and free!








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